Latest Updates

Announcing the Crescendo knowledge base feature

The Crescendo CX Assistant uses a dedicated, easily updatable knowledge base to provide accurate, context-specific answers and prevent errors. This ensures quick, reliable responses and maintains accuracy through Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).


Service is the software. Read that twice

The hype around AI is fading, but the real disruption is just beginning. Generative AI will transform business models, slashing costs and redefining how we use software – we’re ready for the revolution.


We’re welcoming two new hires

A goal as ambitious as ours requires a pretty special team. We’re excited to announce that Samir Sen and Anand Chandrasekaran are joining us.


What we’ve learned from deploying Generative AI in CX

Impressive AI demos aren't the whole story – we've learned a ton about making generative AI actually work for customer experience. We're seeing the potential of generative AI in the real world, but the key is learning from experience and putting smart limits in place.


Empathy in AI: It’s surprising

Our AI is going beyond simple automation to provide surprisingly empathetic service. We discuss how it creates a customer experience that’s defined by speed, personalization, and reliable problem solving.


Crescendo calling … we’re hiring

If you’re an experienced CX professional who’s ready to redefine the industry, join our team. You’ll work with the latest AI and transform service for top companies.
