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Answer the call of AI-powered support. With us, it’s easy.

Our groundbreaking service combines AI and human
expertise to deliver top-quality customer experience.
We're so confident in it, we only get rewarded for success.


What We Do

Stand out with CX, in a snap
Leave everything to us. We’ll curate an innovative service experience that sets you apart.
The best of both worlds
We find an elegant balance between cutting-edge AI and high-touch human service.
Only pay for successful outcomes
Our advanced AI means that you can evaluate every interaction to see how well we did. Only pay when we succeed.
We invest in our teams
Agents that are treated well treat customers well. That’s why we invest significantly in our team and use advanced AI to help them do their jobs.
The most advanced AI
We built Crescendo’s platform on the most advanced AI available. It’s an exclusive, patent-pending technology tailored to deliver consistently outstanding CX.
Keep your customer close
Crescendo is more than outsourcing. We deliver a CX dashboard, powered by customer interactions, that deliver insights and recommendations to improve your business performance.